I recently discovered Alan Bigelow's amazing digital literature website
webyarns. One of the many excellent pieces on that site is called Moby Dick, which drew my attention because of my friend John Minichillo's excellent novel
The Snow Whale. So I dove in. First, this piece presents you with a number of "classic" literary novels which are summarized in four sentences. Then it allows you to write your own. The parameters: four sentences, 800 characters. The gauntlet had been thrown down. I went for it. Here's the result:
Mull (An Absence)
Mull liked to mull so he mulled
day in, day out
answer in the bottom of an empty glass: mull
fly on the screen: mull.
Mull met an unexpected girl
fell out of mull and into love
what he didn't know: the girl
loved to mull, not Mull.
Mull lost the girl to a man who mulled
and when he asked her to think it over
she said, "What's to think about?"
Now Mull had to mull so he mulled
day in, day out.